RSP MP Jha Warns Government Over Removal of Kulman Ghising
KATHMANDU: Rastriya Swatantra Party (RSP) Member of Parliament (MP) Manish Jha issued a strong warning to the government on Wednesday, criticizing its alleged efforts to remove Kulman Ghising, the Managing Director of Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA). Jha raised his concerns during a session of the House of Representatives, accusing the government of attempting to oust Ghising from his important role.
Jha asserted that the actions of the government show political intrusion on public institutions. According to him, they were discriminating towards those who contributed significantly to the NEA as Ghising. This, Jha describes as undermining the country by the focus on political advantages within public institutions from its experts who had otherwise made a contribution towards its development.
The MP specifically mentioned Ghising's groundbreaking work at the NEA, which was once a losing agency but made money during his leadership. Despite Ghising's accomplishments in improving the country's energy supply and management, Jha expressed his disapproval of the government's decision to pick him out.
He complained about the alleged efforts to remove Ghising and suggested that the government was making up excuses for the action. Jha stated that the government needed to recognize and support the achievements of individuals like Ghising rather than disparaging them for political reasons.
Jha made the bold assertion that if Ghising were thrown out, the opposition would return with "thousands of Kulmans." This was indicative of his desire to maintain Ghising's powers and hinted that the people may oppose the government's decision vehemently.
Ghising has become one of the most popular personalities in Nepal by virtue of the effective leadership of the NEA and the efforts put in for the improvement of power supply throughout the country. His leadership has been instrumental in ensuring public services are improved and in increasing the capacity of the NEA to earn revenue.Â
A great many stakeholders, including the general public, are disturbed over a possible dismissal of Ghising since they feel his leadership played a major role in the recent development of Nepal's electrical sector. The situation on the possibility of his dismissal is still being widely debated among the public and many defending him for his contributions to the country's development.